Diablo 3 Beta with Patch 5:Part1Part2Part3Part4Part5Part6After downloading the game, extract it to C:\Program Files\ (if you have an 32-bit operating system) or C:\Program Files (x86)\ (if you have an 64-bit operating system).
After the extraction, it should look like this:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo III Beta\game files.
Make sure it's not:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo III Beta\Diablo III Beta\game files.
If you skip this step or not do it as I said, the batch file you're going to create(in tutorial) won't work and you won't be able to play the game.
About Mooext which you are about to download:
IMPORTANT-1!: Firstly, this is an emulator, not a crack. This emulator is in progress and not final yet. It's at the very beginning stages so this emulator does not reflect the full beta. Why? Read on. Basically, this emulator is built to mimic battle.net servers. Normally, when you enter the beta with a key from blizzard, all of the npc's, skills, mobs, shrines, chests, etc... comes from the server. If there were no connection(which is not possible) there would only be an empty map. Sadly, everything has to be done from the beginning. This is a hard work that needs to be respected, and can take very long to complete. Most of the features are limited or not active yet. So, download knowing these and don't say anything like "this sucks", "there'll be no crack". I started this thread for people wanting to reach new versions of the emulator quickly as possible to see the development or to see a little portion of the game. You'll be noticed here if this emulator becomes final someday.
IMPORTANT-2!: Mooege is the name of the emulator, and Mooext(which you're about to download) is a user-friendly utility which auto-updates and auto-compiles Mooege making it way easier to play the beta.
IMPORTANT-3!:If you update using Mooext and see that some feature existed before doesn't exist now, that means there are some problems with it and is removed in the new version. Can be added later, or not. This happened many times in early builds.
IMPORTANT-4!: This is not my project. Raistlinthewizz started this project and there are many developers helping him/her now. So If you want to contribute, don't ask me. Ask here:
How To Use MooExt Emulator with Master Commits (A Guide From Wetwlly - Moderator in Mooege Forums)
For Mac Users:
https://github.com/mooege/mooege/wiki/CompilingPlease review everything written.
I have spent days cleaning this guide up to make it as user-friendly as possible.
If you find the need that you cannot read it in its entirety then Mooege is not right for you.
You need processing and solution-solving skills, not everything in life can be spoon-fed to you.
Step 1: Install Requirements
If you come from an outside website, delete anything you've done and start from step one. All other guides are incorrect and will cause errors.
http://mooext.org/mooext.zipSqlLite (Even if you're on x64, use x86 library)
http://system.data.sqlite.org/sqlite-netFx40-setup-bundle-x86-2010- Framework 4
http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=17851"]Step 2: Open MooExt and Update
Set Path for D3 Game Path
Should be (C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo III Beta\Diablo III.exe) or some close variation
No need to change Mooege Server Path, this will set itself.
Go to Mooege Updates Tab and Click Manual check(F5) <- This is Important! Importante!!
Step 3: Make a Shortcut
Step 4: Batch copy
The easiest thing to do is to use these commands as a batch file. Open Notepad, and copy and paste the code below.
@echo off
rem jm
if exist "C:\users\%username%\appdata\Local\MooExt\Mooege\Assets\MPQ\" goto cleanup
if exist "C:\Program Files\Diablo III Beta" goto copympq
if exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo III Beta" goto copympqx86
Echo C:\Program Files\Diablo III Beta folder does not exist, install D3
goto end
Echo existing mpq folder. Cleaning up.
rd /s /q "C:\users\%username%\AppData\Local\MooExt\Mooege\Assets\MPQ\"
Echo Copying MPQ files from D3 folder.
xcopy /s /y "C:\Program Files\Diablo III Beta\Data_D3\PC\MPQs\*.*" "C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\MooExt\Mooege\Assets\MPQ\"
goto end
Echo Copying MPQ files from D3 folder in 86x folder.
xcopy /s /y "C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo III Beta\Data_D3\PC\MPQs\*.*" "C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\MooExt\Mooege\Assets\MPQ\"
goto end
Save File as Mooege.bat, change file type to save as all files. Save this on your Desktop. Before running the batch file, please sure to close out Diablo 3 if you have it already started.
Run the ".bat file" as admin
If the batch files closes out instantly, The File Locations may be CASE-SENSITIVE or you may need to 'run as admin', Please make sure things have proper casing or this will not work!
This will automatically copy from the retail folder into mooege's MPQ. You Must Use this batch file, You are not allowed to link Mooext to the diablo 3 MPQ folder.
Step 5: Time to Play!
You Should have two icons on your desktop now, MooExt.exe-Shortcut and Mooege.Bat.
Open Mooext.exe - Shortcut
Press Play(Local)
At Login Screen, Username:(Anything)@(Anything) | Password: (Anything) <- anything means just type something.
Step 6:
If Mooege doesn't work, Delete everything and start at Step 1.
Best Known Question: Why is there no_______ in the game? Why is ____ not working anymore?
At the time of this post, there are no creatures, quests, spells, etc. because of the major overhaul the developers are working on to get everything “under-the-hood” working perfectly. We understand you want to play through Diablo 3 Beta, we all do!! But you’re just going to have to wait until we finish. There is tons of work to be done other than people saying you just need to load monsters and quests and vendors and spells. This isn’t a single-player game with everything already scripted that just needs a crack to work. Everything Blizzard is Server-side, so almost everything needs to be deciphered and recoded to work properly.
In Short for English-Impaired: We are working on it, Be Patient.
I used to be able to spawn monsters, why can’t I now?
Raistlinthewiz/Bonesoul has implemented a Server toon to allow us the use of commands.
Reply to the server by pressing ‘R’ or clicking on the pink brackets when they show up when you are in-game. And type ‘!spawn’. This will spawn 1 zombie.
‘!spawn 10 6652’ is used if you want to spawn 10 zombies(!spawn number SNOid)
There are also other commands by typing !commands (console commands)
Cant Retrieve hero list?
Quick Fix for now: delete the Appdata\mooext folder and on MooExt go to Mooege Updates and reset last commit and manual check, this will recompile a fresh mooege, just remember to fix where the MPQRoot is.
[fatal][program] where in the text says something about Sqlite.dll?
Make sure you have sqlite installed above and removed any other version of sqlite you may have.
Something else wrong in MPQs? (Error 3003)
Update your Diablo 3.
[Fatal] [MPQPatchChain]: Required patch-chain version 7447 is not satified (found version: 7200)
It seems that you still using old version of D3 Client, not the latest (7447). Update diablo, and the batch file should move the folders with updates over to Mooege folder.
I don’t have a username and password to login.
Don’t need one! Just type in anything random as long as you have a ‘@’ sign, ex: 123@123. For a password, anything will do! Ex: 123.
Console says: Could not find Coredata.MPQ/Base-mpq files.
You shouldn’t have a problem if you follow this guide Wink But in case you need a refresher, make sure you’ve used the Batch File, and use it as 'Run as Admin' and 'Case-sensitive folders'.
In other cases, you may have corrupted or outdated MPQs, just update diablo and retrieve new MPQs.
Try going to your Diablo 3 Directory and navigate to the "Diablo III Beta/Data_D3/PC/" folder.
There should be a folder called "MPQs". Right click "MPQs" and click Copy.
Navigate to "C:/Users/[username]/AppData/Local/MooExt/Mooege/Assets". Now right-click and Paste the MPQs folder into the folder you are in (which should be Assets). *note: if you couldnt see AppData folder, try showing hidden folders*.
Okay, now rename the "MPQs" folder to "MPQ" (take off the "s").
Can't get past loading screen?
Same as above you need MPQs in the correct place. Also run Mooext as Admin
Server cant bind to
Mooege is still running in the background, kill it from task manager.
Make sure Diablo is up-to-date, delete your MPQ folder in Diablo and update.
Overall Solution to your problems
Make Sure you have all requirements listed above
Update Mooege and set paths correctly
Reinstall/Update Diablo 3
Make Sure you either use MPQ folder(explained in guide) or Move MPQs into Mooege's Asset\MPQ folder
Run Mooext and Diablo 3 as Administrator
Reset Last Commit and Manual Check (In MooExt)