Wednesday, December 26, 2007

FF VII Crisis Core

Overview of Crisis Core

Graphics: Probably the best-looking game on the PSP, the graphics are absolutely phenomenal, bringing the previously Lego-like characters to life and rivaling even some of Advent Children's most remarkable scenes. 10/10

Gameplay: Although the battle system is difficult to get used to at first, once you get the hang of it and use it to its full potential, it can lead to some of the most fulfilling action in recent action RPGs. 8/10

Sound: Perfectly timed, brilliantly-composed music and top-notch voice acting renders the sound of Crisis Core flawless. 10/10

Length & Replayability: The main storyline can be completed in merely 10 to 15 hours, and although the extra missions can add a few dozen hours, a few more lengthy side-quests wouldn't hurt. 7/10

Story: Although the addition of several important characters could possibly damage the authenticity of the original game to some fans, Crisis Core would've been rather predictable without them. The events that occurred in Final Fantasy VII have been extended and elaborated upon, and can be very nostalgic and enthralling to fans of the original game. 8/10

Crisis Core is the title that put Final Fantasy VII back on its feet, and made it soar. It succeeds on so many levels, and could be enjoyed (although slightly less understood) even by gamers who've never played the original game. It's also surprisingly import-friendly, and, with the help of a few guides and a Katakana chart, can be completed without speaking a word of Japanese, although the most important part of the game—the plot—will be missed out. For anyone who wants to enjoy a mature, exciting and moving video game, do yourself a favor and get your hands on the masterpiece that is Crisis Core.

Final score: 9/10

Reviewer's Score: 9/10, Originally Posted: 09/17/07, Updated 10/18/07

Game Release: Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (JP, 09/13/07)

Taken From Gamefaqs

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